José Carlos Villena
Degree in Law, Business Administration and Management and Actuarial and Financial Sciences from the Carlos III University. Master in International Business Management from the Center for Economic and Commercial Studies (CECO), Master in Microfinance and Social Development from the University of Alcalá; MBA from the Center for Economic and Commercial Studies (CECO) He joined COFIDES in 2007, since then he has held different positions in the monitoring, investment and development financing departments. During 2012 and 2013 he carried out a Secondment at the World Bank, developing his work as Operations Analyst at the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) in Washington. Prior to joining COFIDES, he worked at the Spanish Commercial Office in Moscow, within the framework of the ICEX program and in positions of different responsibility at Mercer HR (MMC Group) and Krämmer Marktforschung in Germany
"¡Por un ecosistema de IMPACTO!"